Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Galio, the Sentinel's Sorrow
 (Solo Top)


Greater Mark of Insight. X9

Greater Seal of Resilienc. X9

Greater Glyph of Warding. X9

Greater Quintessence of Potency. X3 



Skill Order

Runic Skin (Passive)

Resolute Smite - Level, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 
Bulwark - Level, 2, 8, 10, 14, 17

Righteous Gust - Level,  4, 12, 13, 15, 18
Idol Of Durand - Level, 6, 11, 16

Item Build


You can grab one more if you wait in base (4 pots)

 Try to farm much you can, and rush this, this item will allow you to spam your Q's a bit more and give you a extra MR.

Make this if you are playing vs AD in Top

A great mid-late game item. If you die it will bring you back to life after a few seconds without giving thew gold meaning it gives you a second chance. Late Game death timers can be very long so you will want to buy one of these eventually in almost any game. It also provides both armor and magic resist so you can fit it into any build.

Rush this if you are playing vs Double AP

Amazing item for Galio, gives you MR/AP and enemys near you suffer - 20 MR.

Make this item if you need some extra Hp, Armor and MR, and will help your team mates in team fight with the aura. (Recommend)

 vs AP in Top

Ok, this is all item that I think are good for Galio.

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