Friday, April 6, 2012


Malphite, the Shard of the Monolith


Greater Mark of Insight. X9

Greater Seal of Resilienc. X9

Greater Glyph of Warding. X9


Greater Glyph of Force. X9

Greater Quintessence of Potency. X9 


Skill Order:

Granite Shield (Passive)
Seismic Shard - Level 1, 4, 5, 7, 9
Brutal Strikes - Level 3, 13, 15, 17, 18
Ground Slam - Level 2, 8, 10, 12, 14
Unstoppable Force - Level 6, 11, 16

 Item Build:

 This is my AP Malphite I hope you guys like it.



You can grab one more if you wait in base (4 pots) 

X2 - Farm the much as you can, and when you go base for the 1st time, grab two Doran Ring's, so you can spam your skills.

If you are having problems in lane vs AD get this.

If you are having problems in lane vs AP get this.

I normaly use this, cause i want to dominate my lane.

This is a Core item for you, Armor, +20% cooldown reduction and nearby enemies suffer −20% attack speed. 

Another Core item for your AP Malphite, this item gives you AP, MR and nearby enemy champions suffer −20 magic 

If you need more Armor and AP, this is great for you, and this places your champion into stasis for 2 seconds, rendering you invulnerable and untargetable but unable to take any actions. 90 second cooldown.

If you need more Armor, MR and Hp, build Aegis, this item will help a lot your team in team fights and ofc you are more tanky.

If you just need more AP, just build this and you will deal lots of damage 

This item its great if you need more Hp and a extra AP, and ofc your spell damage will slow the target by 35% for 1.5 seconds 

A great mid-late game item. If you die it will bring you back to life after a few seconds without giving thew gold meaning it gives you a second chance. Late Game death timers can be very long so you will want to buy one of these eventually in almost any game. It also provides both armor and magic resist so you can fit it into any build.

This is a great item cause you are AP melee, you will get AP, extra MR, extra speed, and your auto atack's will deal the sama damage you have on AP 

 Ok, this is all items that I think are good for Malphite.

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