Friday, April 6, 2012


Pantheon, the Artisan of War


Greater Mark of Desolation. X9

Greater Seal of Resilience. X9

Greater Glyph of Warding. X8

Greater Glyph of Strength. X1

Greater Quintessence of Strength. X3


Skill Order: 

Aegis Protection (Passive)
Spear Shot - Level 1, 4, 5, 7, 9
Aegis of Zeonia - Level 2, 14, 15, 17, 18
Heartseeker Strike - Level 3, 8, 10, 12, 13
Grand Skyfall - Level 6, 11, 16

Item Build:

You can grab one more if you wait in base (4 pots)

 2X OR 3X Get like two Dorans so you have some sustain, Hp and Damage

This item give you good damage, CDR, armor penetration.


 vs AD

 vs AP

If you are playing vs Double AP just rush this. Atack Damage, MR and a extra Shield.

If you are playing vs a AD in Top just rush BT, amazing atack damage and life steal.

You will need Hp for sure, this is your best option.

A great Item for Pantheon, this item will increase your atack damage, your Hp, and will help a lot with is slow passive.

After get some Hp, get atmas to increase you atack damage.

A great mid-late game item. If you die it will bring you back to life after a few seconds without giving thew gold meaning it gives you a second chance. Late Game death timers can be very long so you will want to buy one of these eventually in almost any game. It also provides both armor and magic resist so you can fit it into any build.

 Buy this if your team doesnt have enough damage and to much tanks.

Good with Frozen Mallet gives you alot of MR, if you're going to be auto atacking alot might as well have more damage and MR.


Good end game item, throughout the game if they have armor


 If you need MR and Hp, this is the item.

´Ok, this is all items that I think are good for Pantheon.

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