Friday, April 6, 2012


Yorick Mori, the Gravedigger


 Greater Mark of Strength. X9

Greater Mark of Resilience. X9

Greater Glyph of Warding. X9

Greater Quintessence of Strength. X3


Skill Order: 

Unholy Covenant (Passive)

Omen of War - Level 4, 14, 15, 17, 18

Omen of Pestilence - Level 2, 6, 8, 12, 13

Omen of Famine - Level 1, 3, 5, 7, 9

Omen of Death - Level 6, 11, 16

Item Build



You can grab one more if you wait in base (4 pots)

 Farm much as you can, so when you go base for the 1st time you can get this item. Will help you alot to arass your enemy in lane.

vs AD

vs AP

Get this if you need some MR, HP and CDR, and this item will help your E on healing effects

You can get this for some extra HP and Gold

Aegis is allways a great choice, MR, Armor and HP, and the aura to help your team in Team fights

This is a optional item, you dont need to make it. 

I think Warmogs is a Core item on Yorick. The HP and the HP regen will help you alot when you are tanking the enemy team 

Another great item for Yorick, will give alot of armor, +20% cooldown reduction, and nearby enemies suffer −20% attack speed. 

 This is a optional item for late game, will give you alot of damage

 If you stacking HP and you have Warmogs, this is the best item to get

 If you need MR and HP this is a great choice.

 Good item, gives you MR, HP regen and some extra speed, this and Warmogs are a good combination.

I rarely use Frozen Mallet on Yorick, but its a nice item gives you Hp and Damage, and the Slow passive.

A great mid-late game item. If you die it will bring you back to life after a few seconds without giving thew gold meaning it gives you a second chance. Late Game death timers can be very long so you will want to buy one of these eventually in almost any game. It also provides both armor and magic resist so you can fit it into any build.

Ok, this is all items that I think are good for Yorick

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