Friday, April 6, 2012


Wukong, the Monkey King


With this page, I play vs enemys that I know I can be more agressive.

Greater Mark of Desolation. X9

Greater Seal of Resilience. X9

Greater Glyph of Warding. X9

 Greater Quintessence of Desolation. X3

With this page, I play vs enemys that I know I need to play more passive.
 Greater Mark of Strength X9

 Greater Seal of Resilience. X9

  Greater Glyph of Shielding X9

 Greater Quintessence of Resilience X3


 Skill Order:

Stone Skin(Passive)
Crushing Blow - Level 1, 8, 10, 12, 13
Decoy - Level 4, 14, 15, 17, 18
Nimbus Strike - Level 2, 3, 5, 7, 9
Cyclone  - Level  6, 11, 16

Item Build: 



 You can grab one more if you wait in base (4 pots)

If you see that you will need a lot of sustain build Wrigles, this item will give you Armor, Atack Damage, and a extra ward.

X2 OR X3 Doran Blades is really good on Wukong, you will get Hp, Atack Damage, and life steal.

 Get tabi vs AD

 Get mercury vs AP

I dont usually build this on Wukong, but its a good item, gives you CDR, Atack Damge and Armor pen.

Frozen Mallet is a Core Item on my Wukong, Hp, Atack Damage and the passive slow, its great for him, no one will escape from you.

If you need some resist, buy Aegis, Armor, Hp and MR, and this item will help your team in team fights

If you see that you are not farming well and you need some extra Hp, get this item the gold will be nice late in the game.

Get this to join your Frozen Mallet and you will deal great damage.

In my opinion this is the best item for Wukong, but i dont allways use it, because I need to be tanky almost every game, so I make Frozen Mallet or Warmogs

If you are playing vs Double AP this item give you Atack Damage, MR, and shield vs Magic Damage.

Allways a good item for any bruiser, Hp and Hp regen, you will be so tanky.

Great item that gives you MR, move speed, and hp regen, allways a good choise.

If you see the enemy team is stacking HP, you can build this item. Atack Damage and Armor Pen.

I dont like to build it on Wukong, but BT its a nice damage item ans life steal, I prefer the tanky Wukong 

A great mid-late game item. If you die it will bring you back to life after a few seconds without giving thew gold meaning it gives you a second chance. Late Game death timers can be very long so you will want to buy one of these eventually in almost any game. It also provides both armor and magic resist so you can fit it into any build.


Ok, this is all items that I think are good for Wukong

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